Thursday, August 16, 2007

أحدث ضحية تعذيب على يد الشرطة

مفيش غير سؤال واحد مش لاقية له اجابة
مش موضوع ازاى يعذبوا طفل و ازاى البنى ادمين رخصوا للدرجة دى...دى أسئلة خلاص مابقلهاش مكان و لا معنى ولا اجابة حتى
السؤال المخيف....والعمل؟
لا العياط حيرجع الولد ولا ضرب كف على كف و لا الغضب و لا الاكتئاب....و لا الخوف و الاحباط و باقى القايمة اللى عايشين فيها من ساعة ما فتحنا عينينا على دى دنيا
الولد يتقتل على ايدين ناس وكلناهم حمايتنا والحياة حاتمشى عادى؟
حانكمل أكل و شرب و فسح و خروج و الولد لسه دمه طرى...
نعمل ايه؟
ندعى ربنا ينتقم منهم؟
ونعم بالله...لكن احنا مفيش فى ايدينا حاجة كمان؟
الصور عند الوعى المصرى...ماقدرتش أشوفها
ولا حد يقدر يستحملها
حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل
نعمل ايه؟
نطلع عليهم فى الشارع نموتهم؟
حايطلعوا أبرياء بتوع عصيان و قفا بس
لكنهم و لا موجودين فى الشارع حتى
الجبن سيد الأخلاق فعلا
فى الشارع البلطجية يتسلوا علينا
فى الأقسام يعذبونا
حانعمل ايه...
اتفضحوا وماتلموش
اتحاكموا برضه مفيش فايدة
فى الأخر كل يوم بنسمع حكاية أسوأ من اللى قبلها


Anonymous said...

Dear Noha, Indeed i saw the picture at the blog of Waheda Misrea, it is unbelievable that some people able to do something like that. you know if a crzy person or a criminal has doen such athing it is to explian, but the guys who have done this crime are the people who must protect us, as you say, on teh streets the criminals are terroseid us and in the the police station the policemen are foltering us, i found it out 12 years ago by myself. One day the jusitus wil celebrate the victory, i hope it does not take a long time. Keep strong my dear, i am so sad that i can not wishing you a nice day. I am a pologizing for that. See you later



Wild at Heart said...

what happened to you 12 years ago?

Anonymous said...

Dear Noha, 12 years ago i was standing with my best two friends, one them is enenier and the other is a tourist guide, he ahs studied germany the same as i, i do not want to say that i am a great person but my friends are very nice and polite people, we were waiting for some other friends in my city home Minia, we did nothing just you know egyption young bouys making a fun together on the streeet, a police car was driving along us and touched one of my friends, i just loked at the car to see who is sittng inside it and a young officier was coming out verey angry and shouting to me and my friends why are you loking at mother fucker i said you do not know my mother, she is a great women and then he has hidden us and we must go with himto the police station, we spend a few ours in a jail with teh criminals and drugs traders, we have been folterd by the fucking police officer and his fucking watchings dogs mothberien, sorry for using bad words after aal teh yaers i can eb verey angry about it, anyway, after have been folterd some called my uncles one of them was a high police officer and the other is a Kadi, they talked with the officer and he let us go but we had to a pologize then i said oke i stau here for a years but i shall never pologize , i did nothing , who has to polodize dear noha/ tell me. anyway we have compliand him but as you know nothing has happend. i ahve never hated some one but i hated him i wished him death and i am stil do it.this officer has almost 50% during the final examintion, he could not go tomother college because he is a stuiped student but he ahs the power and that is als the biggst problem in EGYPT. That is the whole story my dear, sorry that t takes a long time. have a nivce day and i am happy to talk to you agian, take care of your self


Wild at Heart said...

Oh my God!
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it does. At least the victims of torture are dead, buried and relieved. Your friend will have to live in torture all his life. I'm really sorry...for him and for you because you have to carry such a memory with you. You know what, I've really begun to think knocking them out on the streets is the answer.
Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

Dear Noha, of course it is heavy to have to live with torture but as we said time heals all sorrows, you lear to live with such a thing, it takes a time but it helps, For the 12 years old bouy and his familie is more worse u tnink, he wil never come bcak to his familie. I am stil carry this memory but it is a great fact that we can forget things which we do not like even for a while, i shall nevr forget it 100%, anyway u hope that in egypt the situation wil be beter, and do not do it to knock out on the street, because i want to see you a live it is for em more important than taking a revenche, have a nice day my dear


Anonymous said...

Dear Noha,

It is the teh biggst joke i have heard to day, but it is really aan old one, they are telling the same 20 years ago and nothing changes, foltering and killing unguilty people stil going on.I read it thismorning in AL wafed and i thought by myself what a hell they are thinking, that egyption people so stuiped to believe that shit. Anyway God help all of us, have you started giving lectures nwo or next month, when start the new school year.

Have a nice day


العادلي يتعهد بتقديم المتورطين في جرائم
التعذيب للمحاكمة

تعهد حبيب العادلي وزير الداخلية بتقديم كل المتورطين في جرائم التعذيب لجهات التحقيق. وشدد الوزير علي عدم التهاون مع أي حالة انحراف أو تجاوز أو انتهاك لحقوق الإنسان، وقال أن المساءلة الفورية عن أي حالات انحراف أصبحت نهجا ثابتا لا تراجع عنه. وأضاف ان ما يحدث حاليا حالات فردية لا يمكن وصفها بالظاهرة. وطالب الوزير بحسن معاملة الجمهور ودعم العلاقة بين رجل الشرطة والمواطن. جاء ذلك خلال لقاء الوزير مع كبار مساعديه لمتابعة أهم القضايا والتطورات المحلية والإقليمية وانعكاساتها علي مهام جهاز الشرطة.