Sunday, October 19, 2008

Yet Another Victim...

Nothing makes sense when it comes to murder, especially when the murderer is the very person supposed to protect you.
On the 9th of October, a police force killed a pregnant woman in Menoufia. She was not the first victim to be killed by Egyptian police forces, and she probably won't be the last, and there's just no solution in sight. Who do you turn to, when your protector is your torturer, murderer? What can you do but feel an unexpressable anguish and just pray to God that justice be done one day?
There is nothing to be done expect to speak, to break the silence; ad'aaf el Iman. Spread word. I do not want the day to come when even crimes goes unspoken of.

Monday, October 06, 2008

إلهي اللي يتحرش تنقطع ايديه

تحرش جماعي تاني
لأ تالت
ولا عاشر
مفيش بوليس بيحمي الستات ومفيش رجالة عايزة تتلم
أنا من هنا ورايح مش حاسكت لحد يعاكسني أو يحاول يتحرش بي ويقلل من قيمتي
وألطش بالإقلام
وأعمل له فضيحة
وأطلب البوليس إن وجد وألبسه تهمة
واللي حايحاول يدافع عنه حيلقى نفس المصير
واللي حيفتح بقه ويقول لي البنات مزودينها حأشتمه وأشتم اللي خلفوه وأقول له مين اللي عينك حاكم على الناس؟