Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ملف أحمد زكي بدر (الصفحة الثانية)

امبارح خالد الذكر زار مدرسة حكومة في حلوان زيارة مفاجئة وحسب المصري اليوم نقل إدارة المدرسة كلها وشحططها عشان:
1) سوء حالة المرافق.
2) طالب مش معاه أدوات مدرسية.
3) دخل للطلبة وسألهم على إعراب جملة ماعرفوش يجاوبوا.
4) لقى المدير جاي متأخر.

والمعلقين على الخبر فرحانين بيه قوي...يا جماعة ده أحمد زكي بدر،
أحمد زكي بدر اللي هو مين؟ اللي هو دخل بلطجية الجامعة عشان يضربوا طلبة الإخوان وفي صحفي اسمه عصام شرف كان هيروح فطيس، واللي كان بيعمل حفلات وسط اليوم الدراسي، واللي كان بيحول المعيدين والمدرسين المساعدين إداري عشان ماخلصوش الرسايل بتاعتهم في خلال خمس سنين من غير ما يراعي ظروفهم وحتى لو كانوا مخلصين مع إن من حقهم قانوناً إنهم ياخدوا مد.

فيا ريت لما نتكلم عن أحمد زكي بدر نفتكر التلات إنجازات دول الله يكرمكوا، البلطجية والحفلات والمعيدين. البلطجية والحفلات والمعيدين
دلوقتي لما يسأل طلبة ومايعرفوش يردوا، مش ممكن يكونوا خايفين ومرعوبين؟ شايفين الوزير واقف قدامهم عايزهم يعملوا إيه؟ إذا كان في مدرسين بيخوفوا الطلبة لدرجة إنهم يخلوهم يعملوا على روحهم. عايزهم يشوفوا وزير صوته جهوري يقدروا يفكروا ويردوا عادي؟

وبعدين الطلاب اللي مش معاه أدوات ده حد سأله لاقي ياكل ولا لأ؟ أبوه بياخد كام؟ الأدوات بقت بكام؟ وبعدين أفرض يا أخي نسيها اليوم ده...

والوزير ماعجبهوش حال المرافق، طب هو مدي المدرسة كام عشان تقدر تصرف على التطويرات؟ في آلاف المدارس في مصر وكلنا عارفين إن وزارة التعليم في ديل القايمة، مش المفروض قبل الوزير ما يشتكي إن مرافق المدرسة أي كلام إنه يسأل موارد الوزارة بتروح فين؟
وبعدين اللي فهمته من الخبر إن المدرسة كلها اتنقلت هيلة بيلة كده...ده من إيه ده؟ لو المدير مجاش ومدرسين الحساب والعربي ماجوش إيه ذنب العمال اللي بياخدوا ملاليم والمدرسين اللي شايفين شغلهم؟
أنا بقى مش غايظني أي حاجة في أم الموضوع ده غير المعلقين! احنا حنفضل طيبين لحد امتى؟...ألاقي واحدة امبارح طالعة على التليفزيون من الاعتصام وهي بتاخد 99 جنيه في الشهر بتستغيث بحسني مبارك إنه ينقذهما من الحكومة!!!
على أساس إن حسني مبارك معارضة يعني؟

نوارة برضو مفروسة

Monday, March 22, 2010

I hate seeing suitors with my sister because...

she interferes with what I wear although I specifically told her not to.
she rebukes me coz I can't find my lenses.
she suggests I wash the lenses with eye drops instead of the solution I ran out of.
she tells me to wear the lenses anyway though they hurt my eye and are unclean.
she yells at me for having to wear my eyeglasses instead.
she wouldn't tell me what the hell is wrong or unchic about wearing eyeglasses.
she asks me why the hell I am wearing the red pullover.
she tells me the pullover is old though I make it clear I only got it last year.
she asks me why I haven't worn the grey coat instead.
I feel sorry for myself when I realise that she is far less critical than my mother...

Sunday, March 21, 2010


It is a freezing Northern ocean, a lonesome boat full of people searches helplessly for any survivors. All they find are dead, frozen corpses including a mother desperately hanging on to her child.
You watch the scene in Titanic and you can't help thinking, "The selfish bastards, they should have gone back and picked them up from the cold." When you are the one who is relatively safe in the ship though, will you really risk your life?
No longer had the Titanic finished did my sister hear somebody screaming "Fire!" We all rushed to the voice and were surprised to see clouds of smoke rising up at us from somewhere in our building. Some woman was kept out by the hell around her in the balcony and could do nothing but scream her head off at the neighbours as we helplessly watched her. My sister, six floors above the woman, broke down and rushed about the house uncontrollably. My mother closed all the gas pipes and at a time the house even fell into darkness. Within minutes, the strong winds blew the piles of smoke up and the house was tinted in black. I heard a door banging outside and as soon as I opened the door fumes rushed in and I had to close it again without thinking. I looked through the door viewer and could not see the opposite flat, only three metres away, so even thinking of rushing down and saving anyone was out of the question. I frantically called both the Fire Department and ambulance and thought of ways to help by vulnerable household which includes a toddler, a pregnant sister and a 75 year-old uncle.
The screams of the woman stranded in the balcony of her house were heartbreaking. Hundreds gathered below her burning apartment and in all balconies that could hear her and urged her to calm down. Slow moments passed as smoke slowly filled our lungs, scratching at our mouths and throats. We were all helpless...if we close the balcony we will choke at the smoke that had already filled the air and if we don't more smoke will rise. If it is one person choking you, you can kick him in the nuts, scratch his eyes, force him away, but getting choked by an elusive enemy is unspeakable. The woman stopped screaming. Uncertain, we asked the people in the opposite building what happened, and they told us the brave firemen broke into her house and finally saved her. In an irrelevant moment of thinking I lamented that these poor firemen probably earn nothing in return for saving lives.
The following day, what was left of her salon was thrown beside the building. What she may have felt like, being all alone in this smoke, with hundreds of helpless passersby just watching and unable to do anything else, I cannot begin to imagine. Did she really feel that...they had to think of their family? Of their own lives and safety? Did she really think as she was yelling at us "7aram 3aleko" that we had to wait for professional people to save her? Or was she thinking...the selfish bastards?

Saturday, March 06, 2010


I have always been what you can call close to my big sister. We would share everything from the same fashion sense to tears at the death of a family member. She is the typical eldest sister/child; an A student, aspiring, eloquent, self-confident, domineering and mother-like. I dreaded how everything was about to change when she got married a year and a half ago. I was scared that we would not be as close friends anymore. But ever since she travelled, there has been a strange turn of events.
During the year she travelled with her husband to Wahhabism-infested Saudi Arabia and much to my surprise, she started to change. It may as well have been her husband, but both of them were moderate. The first alarming sign was when I described the time-honoured Ahmad Zaky Badr as an animal, a totally acceptable and for that matter understandable swear word. I found an indignant message from her wondering what "people will say about me for saying that word." I assured her that not only does he deserve it, but also my FB privacy settings are edited and students cannot see my stata. She mentioned, to my amazement, that she does not want her "cute and sweet" to call anyone names. I responded rather harshly that I am neither sweet nor cute and do not want to be. Fe3lan ya3ny I do not want to be sweet. I want to be sour, harsh and bitter.
Another time we were marvelling at all the good times we will spend together when she comes in a matter of two weeks and we mentioned meeting some friends including a guy, when she mentioned something along the line of bringing my brother over as a "mahram." For the sake of my sanity, I didn't ask her to repeat what she said. I have another FB account for students, and I joked that it was my "secret account," and again she commented, though jokingly, that she is surprised that her young sister has lost her "innocence". I wonder what she will say if she knows that I have an atheist friend and that I have enjoyed watching Hentai images.
I do not want to fit in any mould anyone makes for me. I want to be spontaneous and independent, that is why I am expecting a clash of civilisations to occur during her short stay here...