Sunday, December 30, 2007

Generation Gasp

You can't tell me what to do! I'm not a child anymore!
A generation gap is supposed to be that lack of understanding and communication between people coming from different generations. (Yeah, as if there was no punk subculture in the 70s) Ever since I started teaching, my entire perspective changed. I feel I've grown ten or twenty years, when in fact my students are of my same age, sometimes older.
I insist on having order, and forcing order to unruly teenagers in my book means getting angry, or punitive actions; kicking them out of class, yelling...etc. Frankly, I never liked being yelled at and never respected a teacher who does so. Whenever I imagined myself teaching I would promise myself to control my anger if someone is rude. Afterall, no one appreciates authority, and you are a symbol of authority. Change your attitude to fit a calm and strict image of a teacher,but lo, instincts prevail. Always.
Students, and people in general, have the ability to drive you off the edge. Yes, you actually fly off the handle, lose grip, choose whatever idiom in the Webster English-English Dictionary there is. They do. I once had a student who, although smart, was offensive, aggressive, cowardly and even had a stinking breath. It was the worst kind of person you could deal with and I had to deal with him every single day of my life. I had to hear all of the delicious names he used to call his classmates - in my presence. I would advise him, listen to him, warn him, yell at him. Nothing worked. All I got in return was a heart attack.
But I've loved them, every single student I taught. It was like an insinctive passion that drifts beyond my control, like a mother to her newborn. There are, of course, some whom I would not like to see again, but it has never been so bitter to the extent of hate or wishing anyone to be pulled apart under a train or anything. Afterall, teachers should be impartial. If it is love you should give, give it to all. And...hell all the same.
Today, I was proctoring an exam, and amid the hustle I found a student attempting a conversation with the one behind her. I was aggravated, and wanted to let her know that I'm watching over, but just asked her calmly,"Do you have a question?" She blushed and shook her head.
A moment later, the girl behind her started moving her lips. I was livid. I motioned to her firmly,'The girl at the back...move to the middle of the bench.'
I was flabberghasted to even be a witness of the coming scene, let alone be part of it. She looked at me, banged at her desk and shrieked 'DON'T YOU CALL ME "GIRL AT THE BACK"! YOU SHOULD TELL ME,"PLEASE MOVE..." '
Happily, I didn't have a mental block, I didn't faint or burst into tears. I immediately yelled back, 'What should I be telling you? And in any case don't tell me what to say and what not to say!'
She kept protesting for a moment and the elderly professor present intervened.
I could see that she was shaking and for some ten minutes she didn't write anything. Call me a demon, but I couldn't care less. I was quite at ease when the professor whispered to me, 'I know this girl from last year. She's a cheater. You did the right thing.'
In fact, I felt horrible. Not because I yelled at her, believe me I would have had no pride left if I hadn't, but because I suddenly found myself a stigmatised figure. On the other side. A person on the other shore who does not feel for the students and who was yelling at one while she was having her exam. I knew quite well that this was what the other students thought, and every now and then I would look at them and feel guilty. There was no way I would have allowed her to cheat. And no way I wouldn't have told her that she shouldn't be talking in this disrespectful manner, to say the least. But I know that they would have none of it. Now I am part of their built-in horrid image of a teacher. I did my best to clear it by being unnecassarily nice to a couple of them, anyway.
This girl was in fourth year, probably for the second time, so as I get it she was my age or one year younger at most. Then, how come we are so different? I come we couldn't manage getting this thing done without clashing and irritating one another? I felt like there was a huge generation gap between us!
When I was a teenager (assuming I have actually left this status behind), I didn't always feel that I fit in. Or maybe this really is the way of the world for teenagers. Other girls wore flashy clothes and I didn't. Other girls were loud, talkative and popular, and I wasn't. Others were lonely and alienated, I still wasn't. Teenagers smoked hash and had partners, and I didn't.
And now where do I fit? If I am the same generation as they are and still feel a world away...where do I go?

Saturday, December 29, 2007


إسلام نبيه اتفضح واتحاكم واتحبس بعد ما هويته اتعرفت
السفلة اللى تحت ممكن قوى يواجه نفس المصير لو نشرنا صورهم في كل مكان
في المدونات
إن شالله يا رب في الشارع
قوادين بقى ولا شرطة مش مهم
بس مفيش بنت تستاهل يتعمل فيها كده
نقلا عن الوعى المصرى

هذه صور الأشخاص الذين يظهرون في فيديو الفتاةإذا كنت تعرف أحد أو كل هؤلاء الأشخاص برجاء الإتصال بنا

Wa2el_3abbas@yahoo.comورجاء كل من يقرأ هذا أن يمرره ويرسله لكل من يعرف

suspect 1
وهو المشتبه به الأول ومن يضرب الفتاة ويطلب منها خلع ملابسها

الشخص الغامض الذي يظهر ملوحا في الفيديو

شخص آخر غامض يظهر في نهاية الفيديو قبل التوقف عن التصويروملامحه هنا واضحة

لقطة نهاية الفيديو ويظهر فيها المشتبه به رقم 3وخلفه مرآة تعكس ما في غرفة النومويظهر جزء من كتف المشتبه به رقم 2وهو من لوح للموبايلالى جانب مشتبه بهم جدد يظهرون لأول مرة في الفيديو4 و 5
أكرر مرة أخرى

إذا كنت تعرف أحد أو كل هؤلاء الأشخاص برجاء الإتصال بنا

ورجاء كل من يقرأ هذا أن يمرره ويرسله لكل من يعرف

Thursday, December 27, 2007


How Will You Die?
created with
You scored as You'll go down in flames for what you believe in

You thoughtful leader, you. Although your love for country is undying, you'll be repaid with one of the more brutal forms of death. Ropes, chains, yelling, screaming, limbs flying apart.... Hey, at least somebody will win an Oscar bringing your story to the Big Screen.

You'll go down in flames for what you believe in


Heart attack


In front of your computer


Stroke.... Massive stroke


You will die utterly alone.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

أنا مش معاهم (عن أحداث إسنا)

أنا اتربيت مع مسيحيين
عشان كنت فى مدرسة انجيلية
طول 13 سنة كنا خلطبيطة فى بعض مش مفرقين بين مسيحى ومسلم
الشلل كانت مخلطة، الصحاب، الأنشطة اللى بنعملها إن وجدت يعنى
مسيحيين فى مسلمين
ماكناش بنقف لحظة نفكر لأ دى مسيحية ماقعدش جنبها وللا لأ دى مسلمة ماصاحبهاش
ولما كان مسلمة بتشتم فى مسيحية كان المسلمين يهزءوها
الموضوع ماكانش موضوع طفولة بلهاء
حتى لما كبرنا فضلنا أصحاب وصداقتنا قوية
وبالرغم من إن الزملا فى الجامعة بيكتروا بس برضو فضلت بقدر المسيحيين وباحترمهم
والواد أخويا وهو لسه فى اللفة كانت ماما بتوديه حضانة ماسكها راهبات وماكانتش بتخاف إنها تأتمن ابنها عليهم
وباستغرب قوى من اللى يهاجمهم عال فاضى والمليان أو مايحبش يتعامل معاهم
يعنى مابفهمش الصراحة
حضرتك اتولدت مسلم واخترت انك تبقى مسلم والمفروض ان حضرتك متدين (أصل لو مش متدين فارق معاك اختلاف الأديان ليه بقى) ، جارك اتولد مسيحى واختار إنه يبقى مسيحى
يعنى كل واحد حر إنه يعبد ربنا بسلام ويروح دور العبادة بسلام
ايه المشكلة بقى؟
حط نفسك مكانه كده، واحد مايعرفهوش شال الحجاب من على وش واحدة منقبة عشان شاكك إنها سرقته
غلطان وكان المفروض يطلب البوليس ماقولناش حاجة
ايه اللى دخل الدين فى الموضوع؟ على أساس إن النقاب هو خلاص رمز الإسلام ؟ واللى يشيله يبقى هاجم الاسلام؟ ليه مادام هو مسيحى وهى مسلمة يبقى اعتبرنا إنها قضية طائفية وإن باقى المسيحيين لازم "يتربوا" بإننا نضربهم ونكسر الكنيسة؟ يعنى الموضوع خرج من إنه خناقة بين اتنين لمعارك طائفية...الناس ما بيصدقوا الظاهر حد يطلعوا الغضب اللى جواهم عليه فابيطلعوه فى بعض
أعتقد المسلمين اللى بيهاجموا المسيحيين بيهاجموهم لاعتقادهم إنهم حيروحوا النار، أو إن فى مخطط سرى لتحويل مصر لدولة مسيحية، والسببين أسخف من بعض، هو انت يعنى مالك الملك عشان تحكم على الناس إنهم ملعونين وداخلين النار؟ واللى يشعل الفتنة ويكسر دور العبادة ويرهب الناس ماعليهوش ذنب؟ ولو كان فى هذا المخطط السرى السحرى يبقى حضرتك تتمسك بتعاليم دينك اللى بيقول لا ضرر ولا ضرار
مش حانسى لما "صديق الانترنت" سردجان وهو مسيحى من صرب البوسنة، وكان بيحكى لى عن المناوشات اللى بيعيشها كل يوم ما بين المسيحيين والمسلمين هناك وإن المسلمين ماشيين على سكة التطرف، رديت عليه قلتله هما مالهمش دعوة بالإسلام ولو كان يعرفوا سيدنا محمد بيعامل أهل الكتاب ازاى ماكانش ده بقى الحال ، أنا توقعت إنه حايرد يهاجم الإسلام وللا يقوللى كلكوا كده عمى مش متقبلين أى تغيير، لقيته أحرجنى وبيقول "أنا عارف إن محمد كان عادل، وإنهم مش متبعين تعاليمه"
المشكلة الحقيقية إن فى ناس بتحس إنها مهددة لو مالقيتش اللى قدامها نسخة كربونة منها، أفقها ضيق لدرجة إنها مش قادرة تتخيل مجرد فكرة الاختلاف وإن اللى قدامك بنى آدم زيك ليه حقوقه حتى لو مكتوب فى شهادة ميلاده مسيحى
وإحنا بنخاف من المختلفين عنا فى الديانة والجنس والبشرة والعرق والقدرات والميول الجنسية والطبقة الاجتماعية وحتى فى اللبس كل واحد شايف إنه صح وأى ابن ستين فى سبعين تانى عايز الحرق، ناسيين إن الفروق دى أساسها كيان واحد، إننا بنى آدمين
فلما عرفت اللى حصل فى إسنا من غباء ومعاملة لاإسلامية لأهل الكتاب، ماأملكش غير إنى أعتذر لكل مسيحى حايعدى على هنا، وأقول له/ا: أنا مش معاهم

عيد سعيد

هى صورة قديمة بس باحب لطفها
كل سنة وانتوا طيبين

Saturday, December 15, 2007

لأ أنا مش باحب أتعاكس الصراحة

لسة شايفة دلوقتى برنامج تسعين دقيقة والدم غلى وطق من عروقى ومدلدق دلوقتى عالأرض من واحدة مجهولة وبيئة كمان بتلبس بنطلونات ضيقة اتكلمت قالت إنها بتحب تتعاكس, ولو كانت سكتت عند هذا الانتهاك الصاااارخ لكرامة البنات المصريات ماكنتش استغربت، لكنها كملت وقالت عاااادى جدا : أكيد أى بنت بتحب تتعاكس!!!!!
أنا كلبشت فى ركبى وردحت: نععععععععععم؟ الله يخرب بيتك يا شيخة
الإجابة كانت لسؤال عن جروب الفيسبوك "الحملة القومية لتوسيع بنطلونات البنات" وبغض النظر عن الجروب اللى أنا ماعرفوش واللى يحبنى فى الله يبعتلى لينك، أنا مش عارفة البت الخيخة دى عرفت منين إن ملايييين من البشر هى أكيد ماتعرفش واحد على ألف منهم بيحبوا يتعاكسوا زى بسلامتها؟ إزاى أجزمت بكده يعنى وليه معتبرة نفسها سفيرة لينا كلنا؟ وليه البرنامج سمع وجهة نظر واحدة بس وماكلموش واحدة تانية بتأيد فكرة الجروب مثلا
عموما أنا اتكيفت أوى لما كملت وقالت إن المعاكسات بتبقى سافلة وساعاتبتضطر تقف تتخانق فى الشارع وطبعا اتكشفت على حقيقتها إنها غبية ومتلغبطة ومش فاهمة حاجة، يعنى منييين بتحبى تتعاكسى ومنين بتتخانقى مع اللى يعاكسك؟ شيزوفرنيا دى واللا ايه؟ ولا حضرتك ماشية بمبدأ عاكس آه، تمد إيدك لأ؟
وأنا من منبرى هذا أقر و أؤكد وأعيد وأزيد إنى مش باحب أتعاكس ولا أصحابى بيحبوا يتعاكسوا ولا أى بنت قابلتها فى حياتى بتحب تتعاكس واللى عايز يتكلم يتكلم عن نفسه عشان احنا مش ناقصين قرف
ورجاء أيها المعاكس لما تشوفنى ماشية فى الشارع لابسة ايشارب ومكشرة (قورتى وعن أنيابى كمان) وباصة قدامى وماشية
مشية العساكر اعرف إنى مش باحب أتعاكس وحط وشك فى الأرض وخللى يومك يعدى على خير و يا دار مادخلك شر
والمدونات الحبيبات الجدعات انتوا كمان اكتبوا رأيكوا للمرة العاشرة يمكن يفهموا إننا مش مستنيين واحد يقوللنا ايه اللى بيحصل ده ايه اللى انا شايفه ده عشان نحس بثقتنا فى نفسنا

Monday, December 10, 2007

قصيدة فى حب مصر

بشتم فيها و اعزها
بشم مع هواها تربها و برضة بحبها
بستنشق دخنها فى عطرها
بعشق حواريها و شوارعها و ظلها
لجوامعها و كنايسها و معابدها بشتاق لها
لكل ركن و كل حبة رمل فى حضنها
بحب الفراعنة و المماليك و البورسعيدية
بحب الاهلى و الزمالك و الاسماعلاوية
وبحب السوايسة و الداميطة و المحلاوية
من الصعيد جنوبا الى المتوسط شمالا بحلم أضمها
انت لسه بتسألنى بحبها
ايوة بحبها و بعشق اهلها
و حفضل أحبها
حتى لو ظلمنى ناس منها
حتى لو ضربنى ظابط من أمنها
حتى لو زاد الفساد و طال الزاد و قل الخير فى حجرها
حتى لو ملقيتش اللقمة فى ارضها
حتى لو اتحشرت فى المترو بحبها
حتى لو وقفت فى اشارتها ربع قرن بحبها
جوعت ولا شبعت بحبها
بحب البلد دى بكدبها و صدقها
بمجدها و عزتها بجيشها و شعبها
سألونى و أيش حلمك قلت أموت فى رملها
وأنا كمان بحبها و باموت فى دباديبها

Friday, December 07, 2007

God. I hate screamers.

Have you seen one of those stupid videos where you are asked to watch intently at a certain video, looking for clues to some puzzle, finding a number of differences between two pictures or simply following a maze, when suddenly a ghost or some crappy graphic image pops up?
Oh God, I was fooled into one of these computer pranks yesterday and I still haven't shaken the image off my back. Mind you, it's a widely circulated video on Facebook's Advanced Wall and similar applications, and it lures you because the front image is that of a man and a woman kissing.
So, as if I've never seen two people kissing before, I was tempted to watch the video. I strangely found myself being followed into what seemed like a maze in an empty flat. I expected the worst, but for some reason I continued watching, and before I knew it, a ghost girl popped up and a loud scream ripped through my speakers!
I quickly hid my eye and jumped into the air. I think I kept shaking for ten minutes. When my breath evened out I was angry. I felt like a victim. It's true I'm a sucker for horror movies, but at least willingly. I watch a movie and I know in advance that this man's head will be chopped off nice and clean. I shake and have nightmares but at least I knew it would happen.
But to be betrayed and fooled in this way...

Monday, December 03, 2007

عقربة قدام الحرية مول...احذروا وعوا

يوم السبت كنت خارجة من ايليت بتاع الايسكريم اللى قدام الحرية مول مع بنك بلوم ( دى غير البنك) و منال صاحبتنا وكان الرصيف اللى حوالين شريط المترو من الناحيتين متكسر و متدغدغ و مليان رمل و حفر و طوب, استغربت هما بيكسروه ليه و هوا كان زى الفل؟ يمكن كتر فلوس و فضا. داهية لا يكونوا ناويين يشيلوا المترو؟ ده متعتى المفضلة. المهم عدينا نص الشارع و جينا نعدى على الرمل, منال حطت رجلها و لسة انا حاحط رجلى لقيت عقربة مطرح ما كنت حادوس!!! أى و النعمة عقربة. وسط الناس ووسط الزحمة وأضواء المدينة. أنا صوتت و شديت منال بعيد... هى تقوللى يا بنتى جرادة أقوللها لأ عقربة, تمان رجلين من قدام طالع منهم ديل رفيع , و المصيبة كمان ان لونها كان لون الرمل. و كنت لسة شايفة فى جورج نسيم بتاع الدهب اللى فى الكوربة ساعة على شكل عقربة كبيرة قوى, ممكن يكون تمنها عشرين الف مثلا, عشان كده البوست ده كان المفروض يبقى فيلسوفى اشتراكى مشترك, بيوضح الفرق بين العقارب اللى فى المحلات اللى بآلاف الجنيهات و العقارب اللى فى الشارع اللى بتعض الناس.
أنا خفت عليكوا وقلت أقوللوكوا عشان تخلوا بالكوا لو ماشيين على رجليكوا هناك, لحسن تناموا بالليل تحلموا بعقارب بمبى زى ما جرى لى

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Men, whatever is wrong with you?

When you're twenty four, young, successful, ambitious, respectable and loved by many, you look forward to an engagement enthusiastically. You imagine spring days and hot summers spent with whom you cherish and breathe a sigh of relief that God has given you all that you've asked for.
When three months later your relationship ends because your ex refuses to certify that his apartment, your future home, is his, and instead documents that it's his mother's, you break down. What's wrong if the apartment is his mother's and not his, I wondered? Well, in the future, if your husband dies, your mother-in-law could have the right to throw you and your children out in the streets. If she is wicked of course, and in this jungle, you really have to take precautions of all the roads that diverge infront of you.
But you're just 24, so after the shock is over and after all the tears and sorrows are spent, you sit back and think of the long days ahead, of all the chances that will still present themselves in the future. You just know that you did nothing wrong, that the blame is not on you. That you are still fresh and lively and oh, how many young and presentable men would be interested in you. It can't be the last chance. There are no last chances when you are just twenty four.
The days go by and you are now twenty seven. You have lost hope of ever settling down. You will live and die a medical spinster. It has ended. It is all, all over now. Twenty seven year olds are too old and wasted to marry. Ripe and mouldable twenties and maximum twenty-ones are the cat's meow.
Until a familiar face arrives. A face you wouldn't have even dreamt would think of you. A dreamy, innocent face. A successful neuropsychiatrist, mind you his profession. You blossom again, you keep thinking; is it true, is it even possible, that I have found the love of my life? The love that would linger on behind a loaded and almost unbearable life? At last I will have a child of my own, to raise and pamper and adore and take good care of and die for!
Everything goes smoothly as it should be, a couple of arguments here and there but who doesn't argue? I believe that the lack of arguing is a problem. The lights are turned on, the engagement party is prepared, the few, intimate guests share little chit chats and heart-felt laughs, soft music is played...
'Dah benna m3a-ad...
w law w7na bo3a-ad...
akeed rage3 w law beny w ma beno bla-ad..'
You start preparing for the wedding, you choose the wedding gown and your tailor starts cutting and gather bits and pieces of your future household...wrapping it up to protect it from the dust.
But you have arguements from time to time, naturally. You are hurt but you try to 'come on yourself ' because you want this story so much and cannot imagine that it could just end, and that your nights would return darker and heavier. You try, but you fail.
This, in short, is my sister's story. Today she broke off her second engagement. You know when tragedy occurs for a second time, you just suspend your belief for a while. You go through a phase of denial. It can't be true. She isn't going to go through another break-up - oh, no, she won't. But she went through more than just another break-up this past week or so, and the way I see it, for no logical reason. Her fiance had female friends whom he used to go out with and call frequently. When my sister objected telling him how this is unislamic and that she wouldn't accept this kind of relationship in his life, he replied saying...
'So, are you the one who is going to make decisions? Are you the man of the house or what?'
Imagine this! This is how an adult, educated, religious Egyptian guy thinks. This is how he thinks in the 21st century. That being the 'man of the house' means that you make orders, and that your partner or whatever armchair you are married to has to obey silently and that is that.
It doesn't mean that you make your partner feel safe. It doesn't mean that you forgive. It doesn't mean that you tolerate. It doesn't mean that you accept your differences, knowing that she accepts you as well. It doesn't, of course, mean that you enjoy those differences. No. Being 'the man' in a relationship means that I do what I see is right, and not take into consideration my partner's opinion. She is a woman. She lacks religion and mental abilities. It means that I choose to live our life the way I want, because, come on, I am the man. What would she want more than a successful, handsome and religious husband? She should just take it and shut the fuck up.
My sister is no angel. Yes, when she's angry she sometimes hurts me with her words. But as soon as she calms down she runs up to me and hugs me - a hug that wipes out any bitterness in my heart. A hug I never see except in idealistic TV sitcoms.
How come men lost the ability to tolerate? I keep imaging myself in my deathbed, and wonder how people do not imagine themselves in the same position. In my deathbed I wouldn't wish I had lost someone just because he was once rude to me. I was intolerable myself at times. Sure I was. In my deathbed, I would know that this human bond that ties me to all those I know is the most valuable thing I ever had, and ever will in another life. What with the tensions, what with normal everyday issues...they will pass. They will pass and love will live on.
How come people do not realise this fact and just find the easiest solution to abandon one another? HOW COME? Yes, my question is to men though I know there are same-minded ladies out there...but I want men to answer me. Why would you trade loyalty and comfort for sheer arrogance and control? What would happen when you eventually control your partners and turn them to speechless models of patience? Would you be happy then? Is this your way to paradise?
Whatever is wrong with you?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Candle in the Dark

I'm shining like a candle in the dark...
when you tell me that you love me !

Monday, November 12, 2007

حلم عبثى

كنت واقفة محلولة الشعر وسط الزحام

وفى صدرى مرارة الاحساس بالاهمال واللامبالاة

تركت البيت بعد أن فاض بى الكيل من تجاهلهم لى

فجأة رأيت أبى ينظر حوله بتمعن مرتديا تلك الحلة الرمادية المحببة الى نفسى

جريت اليه و سألته بتلهف

أتبحث عنى أنت يا أبى؟

نظر الى بشىء من الخجل

!!!وقال ...بل كنا نطلب وجبة الغداء من المطعم المقابل


ذكرنى هذا الحلم بقصيدة توماس هاردى, فيها تتعجب امرأة عمن ذا الذى ينهش قبرها؟

هل هو حبيبها فى حياة قد مضت؟

لا...لقد تركها حبيبها تمضى مع ماضيه وتزوج ثانية

من؟ أعز أقاربها؟

لا...فما الجدوى من زرع الورد على قبرها و هى الآن فى قبضة الموت؟

أعدوتها هى اذن...التى تنهش قبرها الآن؟

لا تكترث عدوتها بمكانها الآن...ولا تستحق كراهيتها بعد اليوم

انه أنا يا سيدتى العزيزة...جروك

أرجو ألا أكون قد أزعجتك

حقا!!! كيف أنسى قلبك الصادق؟

كيف أساوى بين وفائك و غدر بنو جنسى؟

سيدتى, لقد نسيت أن هذا قبرك

لقد جئت كى أدفن تلك العظمة هنا

حتى لا أجوع فى تسكعاتى اليومية!

Ah, Are You Digging On My Grave?
by Thomas Hardy.

"Ah, are you digging on my grave,

My loved one? -- planting rue?"

-- "No: yesterday he went to wed

One of the brightest wealth has bred.

'It cannot hurt her now,' he said,

'That I should not be true.'"

"Then who is digging on my grave,

My nearest dearest kin?"

-- "Ah, no: they sit and think, 'What use!

What good will planting flowers produce?

No tendance of her mound can loose

Her spirit from Death's gin.'"

"But someone digs upon my grave?

My enemy? -- prodding sly?"

-- "Nay: when she heard you had passed the Gate

That shuts on all flesh soon or late,

She thought you no more worth her hate,

And cares not where you lie.

"Then, who is digging on my grave?

Say -- since I have not guessed!"

-- "O it is I, my mistress dear,

Your little dog, who still lives near,

And much I hope my movements here

Have not disturbed your rest?"

"Ah yes! You dig upon my grave...

Why flashed it not to me

That one true heart was left behind!

What feeling do we ever find

To equal among human kind

A dog's fidelity!"

"Mistress, I dug upon your grave

To bury a bone, in case

I should be hungry near this spot

When passing on my daily trot.

I am sorry, but I quite forgot

It was your resting place."

Thursday, November 08, 2007

تعليق على ما حدث

I wanted to blog about some personal incidents and events…I even woke up and fell asleep forming the draft but never actually writing anything…local news, however, sprang out suddenly and I just felt it necessary to have a say, to make a comment – or even to scream.
Last Tuesday I was checking when I found the title clear and bright, 'Islam Nabih sentenced for three years in jail.' And it felt like a million pounds! I haven't blogged about Emad El Kebir before, or how he was arrested for no apparent reason than trying to defend his brother who was being harassed by the police. And what was the Captain Islam Nabih's reaction? He stripped him from the waist down and together with a Corporal they beat him up and sodomised him with a stick! And to spite him even more, they videotaped him. A total fuck. Bloggers, human rights activists and even unheeding Egyptians knew about the case Emad filed against the policemen , and everyone was holding his breath until the verdict came in. Immediately afterwords, I waited for Al3ashera Masa2an…and the show hosted the lawyer of the defendant and the accused, and later Emad himself. Significantly, however, an anonymous policeman called in and among moments of silence, stuttering and a disheartened voice, he wondered how on earth they were supposed to treat such thugs? And insisted that they face hell to restore order to the streets, and that no one is cooperative, and that they feel hated and even inferior!
Okay, respected policeman – what the heck do you expect us to feel about policemen when most of what we see from them is either cruelty or indifference? Thousands of our friends, family and beloved ones are run over every day by high-speed vehicles. 22 people died of torture in the past year – torture you have committed, respected policemen of this country. Girls are molested every half an hour in the streets of Cairo or so they say in broad daylight and do not find one single policeman to run to. Not one. It's now a myth that Egypt's streets are safe…those who are supposed to provide us with safety are simply NOT THERE. Women's bags are being robbed and the women dragged along by cars, helplessly trying to regain the few pounds left to feed the children, and what the hell are you doing? Sodomising innocent people. This is your policy, your religion.
The following episode of Al3ashera Masa2an began with a call from a high-ranking police officer, professional liar and nutcase. He insisted on the good examples of policemen that are never given as much attention as the few corrupt among them. But I was amazed at how he commented on the killing of a girl in El Matareya area while trying to stop the police car from taking away one of her relatives. She tried to block the road, but the car just went on, hitting her, then running her over. 'What were they supposed to do? She was the one who hung on to the car!' i.e. The bitch got in our way. The bitch had to die. This is their logic. There is no talk of pushing her away or even pepper-spraying her (which in another context could also be considered an excessive use of force), but they just killed her…Simply.
The sentence the infamous policemen got is a beam of hope, as considered by many, including myself. However, this trial is a double-edged weapon. It is an attempt to silence humanitarian voices that are accusing the government of ignoring incidents of torture. It's like the Ministry of Interior is telling us, 'See? We've sentenced a policeman to prison and hard labour. Shut the fuck up now.' It is intended to grab our attention away from all of the 22 murders and God-knows-how-many torture cases that are being examined or forgotten in Egypt. Last Tuesday, I was hopeful, but deep down I was terrified, deep in my heart I hoped so dearly to God that other tortures don't go undercover, for there is no worse feeling in this world than injustice.

As Salama Ahmad Salama says in this week's edition of Al Ahram Weekly, we Egyptians are so used to catastrophes that nothing can shake us anymore, to the extent that tens of our young, ambitious and frustrated youth drowned while trying to cross over to Italy and not many care, not a lot of us noticed. What's done is done, nothing can be said more than what's been said before about illegal immigration, their hopes and dreams together with their blessed souls and any spark of light in their families' life was just washed away – finished. Done.

Friday, October 26, 2007

!لا فتاوى ولا مذابح...يا أزهر

أنا عايزة أفهم

هو مفيش حل فى الكلاب السعرانة غير اننا نقتلهم؟

هو القتل بقى أسهل حل فى ايدينا؟

النهاردة اتنشر فى الجرنان ان لجنة الفتاوى فى الأزهر تبيح قتل الكلب الضال العقور اللى بيهاجم الناس , واستندوا لمبدأ "لا ضرر ولا ضرار"

و ان الفتوى دى مش بتنطبق على الكلاب المملوكة لأشخاص و بيتربوا فى المنازل كلاب الصيد و الحراسة

واخدين بالكوا من كلام الشيخ اللى سبحان الله اسمه "الأطرش"

الشيخ ماسابش غير كلاب الشارع بس, يعنى كلاب الشارع هى اللى أباح قتلها...مش الكلاب الضالة العقور بقى زى ما قايلين فى العنوان!!!

أول ما قريت الفتوى الجديدة نوفى دى افتكرت مذبحة مشهورة حصلت فى مايو اللى فات لما البلدية قتلت كلاب ضالة مع انهم ماأذوش حد, قتلوهم قدام بعض وعذبوهم فى وضح النهار وكان فى ناس زيى و زيك و أطفال صغيرة شايفين المذبحة دى...

فى واحدة أجنبية مقيمة فى مصر كانت بتعطف على الكلاب دى و كتبت تجربتها معاهم وصدمتها من اللى حصل هنا

و أنا مش بحب أحط صورعنيفة في المدونة لكن الظاهر ان احنا بقينا زى ما ربنا وصف أهل النارفى القرآن, بيجيلهم الموت من كل ناحية لكن مش بيموتوا!!!
الاحصائيات بتقول ان الحيوانات الضالة فى شوارع مصر حوالى مليون حيوان, وعن اوضاعهم حدث و لا حرج, العيال الصغيرة مايبقوش لاقيين حاجة يعملوها يقوموا فاقعين عين كلب أو يضربوه غلاسة, اللى بيسوقوا بيبقوا شايفين قطة عالطريق و بيكسلوا يفرملوا يقوموا داهسينها, ثقافة الاجرام بقت جوانا كلنا, متخيلين انه عشان حيوان و عشان ضعيف و عشان مش بتاع حد و ماحادش فى مصر حايحاسبك لو موته وعشان مش حايقدر يدافع عن نفسه أو يتكلم أو يصرخ زينا, يبقى مش مهم
ودلوقتى الأزهر طل علينا بفتوى تبيح قتلهم قال يعنى كانوا مستنيين اذن من الأزهر!!!
دلوقتى لو حد كلمهم حايقولوا احنا اخدنا اذن الأزهر و اذن الأزهر يعنى اذن الرسول واذن الرسول يعنى اذن ربنا!!!
هو ربنا قال ان احنا نعذب و نطيح فى كل اللى حوالينا؟
يا حكومة جبانة و كسلانة, مش عارفين تاخدوا الكلاب تعزلوهم فى حتة عشان مايأذوش الناس...مستسهلين القتل للدرجة دى؟ مادام فى حل فيه رحمة للحيوانات حتى لو كان حل متعب, ليه ماننفذهوش؟ علشان ماتتعبوش و ما تصرفوش فلوس عايزين تحولوا شوارعنا لمذابح بفتاويكوا
يا أطرش لو فضيلتك أطرش طب شوف الصور و اسأل نفسك...هى دى تعاليم الاسلام؟
لكن أنا بأكلم فى مين...اذا كانت دى حكومة بتعذب و تموت فى البنى آدمين حايهتموا بشوية كلاب ليه!!!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

طب و التحرش يا سيادة الشيخ؟

فى يوم واحد عرفت تصريحات شيخ الأزهر و تحرشات جنينة الحيوانات, طنطاوى بيقول ان اللى يطلع اشاعات "مغرضة" عن أشخاص أبرياء زى أعضاء الحزب الوطنى أو مبارك و عيلته...المفروض يتجلد تمنين جلدة زى بالظبط اللى بيقذف المحصنات !!!!! و ان جنينة الحيوانات فى العيد لمت شوية صيع عرب اتحرشوا ببنات و لما الحراس الغلابة حاولوا يمنعوهم العرب شتموهم و ضربوهم!!!!!!! و مش عارفة ايه اللى خلانى ربطت بين الموضوعين, لكن الحقيقة ان الشيخ هو اللى ربط, مش أنا, ربط اشاعة عن موت الرئيس و صحفيين بيحاولوا يوقفوا الفساد....شبههم بواحد بيتهم أنثى دون وجه حق بارتكاب الزنا...و مش لاقية علاقة الصراحة...بقى انت يا شيخ ياللى بتسجد لربك كل يوم بتحور فى آيات القرآن و تحاول تمنتجها على مزاجك عشان تليق للى مشغلينك و تفضل تكوم فلوس؟ وييجوا بعد كده يتكلموا عن ازدراء الأديان و تحريف القرأن!!! هو مش تحريف معانى القرأن يبقى تحريف ليه برضو... بقى اللى بيحاول يصلح و يفضح تصرفات رجالة الحزب زى اللى بيفترى على الستات؟ الا ما سمعنا كلمة منه بتقول ان اللى يمد ايده على أنثى يتجلد ولا حرام وللا حتى مكروه!!! ما اعترضتش على هتك العرض يا فضيلة الشيخ و النتيجة ان حتى العرب جايين على سيرة تحرشات العيد اللى فات و قالوا يللا نهيص لنا يومين فى بلد لا فيها متدينين يقولوا لنا حرام و لا أمن يقبض علينا. نتحرش بستاتهم أو حتى ولايانا ونضربهم ونهينهم مش مهم المهم ان ماحدش حايحاسبنا...ما هى خربت!
أيها الشيخ, غووووووووووووور فى ستين داهية, استقيل و ريحنا من نفاقك و طمعك
استقيل أيها الشيخ
اعتقنا لوجه الله
مش عايزين فتاوى من وشك العكر

روابط لنفس الموضوع

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Is this Love?

Dear, dear reader,
He came along to our house with his brother and mother. I had known he is handsome, but when I first saw him, I was quite disappointed: he had this line of moustache – a moustache, in the 21st century! – and his haircut was quite, quite old-fashioned. Not the guy for me, I thought, he looks so naïve, so innocent, kham as we say in Arabic. He did, however, give me a sly smile over his cup of tea. His brother looked promising with his tiny, sparkling black eyes and matching wavy black hair. A good match for my sister. They would probably have pretty babies if this marriage gets done. My sister was thrilled,
'How lovely would it be if you two got together! He's a perfect match for you – talkative and funny.'
Me? Funny?
'No way, Nancy, he has this thin line of moustache like he was a 40s American soldier!'
A few days later.
'You know,' I said, reflecting, 'if he grew a tiny beard it would be just right on him.'
'He's an OFFICER. Officers don't grow beards. Have you ever seen any do so?'
I suddenly realised there was none. But I still imagined him growing a golden beard like his golden hair.
We went over to their house the second time. He was wearing a Lois Jeans. I thought…so you're from Planet Earth and wear brand names like the rest of us. He was always engaged in the conversation. Always attentive, especially when I spoke? Oh, well, people are always attentive when you speak, because it only happens in blue moons.
I didn't want to get married to a naïve guy. I don't know what gave me this impression, but I kept thinking - what does he know of the world? At least I know a little. But what does he know? He looks like a bud that is just opening up and I – I opened up before my due time –
My sister found out his Facebook account. Now, that's something – not that it is something to have a Facebook account but that he logs on to the internet and knows about Facebook and has +50 friends! So, he's not really the Clark Gabel I thought he was, maybe now a Colin Farrell?
And then I saw his profile picture. He was in military outfit, laying back comfortably, his left arm above his head and smiling peacefully at the camera. That was when I was totally obsessed by him – totally. And if you don't know, dear reader, how it is for a girl to be obsessed with someone, there you go;
I began exploring every inch of his profile, every face in his friend list, every comment he ever made on a photo. There are only two girls among his friends. Two pretty girls. One of them is his cousin and she looks sweet in her black veil, fair skin and shiny, hazel eyes.
The day they visited us to settle on who the hell is going to pay for the appliances and furniture, I spent most of the time preparing and serving the drinks. But when I offered him his soft drink, it was the last drink on the tray , so I asked him, 'Would you like me to make you a different one?!!!'
So you think you are being FRIENDLY?
He coloured and said, no, thank you without raising his head to meet my eye.i could hear his brother laugh. Oh, damn, I screwed up. But I guess it paid off because the moment I returned to my seat he looked directly at me. So straightforwardly that I had to look somewhere else –
And again when I was preparing the dessert, I caught him – I actually CAUGHT him – peeking! My sweetheart had a bad cold that day…and I woke up the next day with a sore throat!!
Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. I was trying to trace any sign of infidelity when I found this under his Superpoke! Application:
'…hugged private.'
And on my birthday! It can't be made for a male friend – that would be so gay and besides if it was a guy why would he make it private? You hug her on my birthday? What are you – heartless? I even clicked on this private but it only directed me to my homepage. What, he hugged me? Oh, no. I don't know how this application works and I didn't want to have any wilder ideas.
So who is she, really? Where did he meet her? Are they in love? Is she sexy? Does she offer better drinks than I do! And how and where on Earth would he meet her anyway when he has been to a guys-only college? Which is also a 'boarding-college' – In the weekends? A friend of a friend? This cousin? Did he secretly date a girl from the college I went to – a trendy, high-heeled girl from the Faculty of Arts and a handsome, tanned, well-built, innocent-looking young officer from the college just around the corner- the Military Technical College. A classical example.
And, dear reader, I don't know if it's just me who does that or is it the norm. But a girl's imagination is so impulsive – so damn impulsive that the moment, the very moment she sees someone and likes him, she just takes him through all of the closed doors of her mind. He would make a good husband, I thought, gentle, helpful and caring. But didn't you want someone rough- And a good father, loving, naughty and noisy. And it will be just fine because we would have known each other for a while and let our feelings grow naturally, and we would by that time have known their family well. And then he would propose. And everyone would envy us – a match made in heaven, they would say, and I would wear my pearl necklace, wisteria scarf and walk into Costa Coffee with everyone staring at me – here comes his girl at last. She's pretty. Couldn't have suited him better. This, dear reader, is how a girl gets obsessed, possessed.
But then I kept asking myself…why do you just love to torture yourself? Why do you keep tracing his every fucking status, waiting for a sign, waiting for a clue, when he probably doesn't care? At least you don't know yet whether he cares. How come you're thinking of a future with him when you hardly ever spoke to him, and can only remember his face because you spend your nights staring at his picture? Why? Aren't you scared that your own delicate heart be broken? Doesn't it matter to you at all? At all?
We've all had dreams that SHOOK us, whether good or bad ones, and today I was in this sweet slumber when I found him breaking down my walls, coming into our house, playfully tugging at my skirt and telling me that he is sure about his feelings and that they are now ready to propose.
I woke up and had this sick feeling of wanting to go back – to hang on to him – not to let him go – not to let even his image go, slip away so simply –
Tomrrow is Nancy and Muhammad's engagement, and until then I'll miss you – ohh – I'll miss you, Green Beret!

Wild at Heart
"Is this Love?
That I'm feeling?
Is this the Love…that I've been searching for?
Is this Love?
Or am I dreaming?
This must be Love,
Cause it's really got a hold on me…
A hold on me-"
Whitesnake, Is this Love?

To be continued…?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

بأى حال حاتعود يا عيد؟

مستنية العيد الصغير يجى
كل ما أسرح بخيالى مالاقيش غير أنثى ينتهك عرضها و مش قادرة تدافع عن نفسها
معانى العيد كلها اختفت و مابقاش غير المعنى ده
حاملة هم العيد من زمان قوى
يا ترى تحرشات السنة اللى فاتت حاتتكرر؟
مفيش أى حاجة اتغيرت بعد كل الكلام اللى اتقال فى المدونات و الجرايد و التليفزيون؟
فى بنت حاتمر بالكابوس ده تانى؟
فى بنت حاتنفض عذريتها بدون رضاها تانى؟
فى بنت حاتوصل الليل بالنهار ترتعش و تفقد القدرة على الصراخ؟
بادعى و بأقول يا رب العيد يعدى على خير
السنة اللى فاتت الناس اتصدمت
السنة دى ماحدش حايتكلم
حيبقى خلاص موضوع قديم
يا رب ما يحصل
يا رب
يا رب

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ok. I'm jealous.

Sometimes I feel the need to confess...
I have this neighbour whom I only see accidentally coming back from the Taraweeh prayers. We never actually started any conversations. However, she got to know my sister. And that's how I knew she's my age.
God! My age! She is like 30 cms taller, and not only that...she looks much more...grown up! And she's engaged. And she goes to the Faculty of Engineering. Perfect.
I never actually saw her until, some minutes ago. Only that then I was much aware of the difference between me and I stood beside her I couldn't help staring at her dreamy eyes that glimmer between blue and green...her pink face, and even her stylish abaya! Now...How can I POSSIBLY be looking beside her? Short. Ordinary. Humble. Unattractive. Pale. Rounded. She must have felt the green-eyed monster beside her because she avoided looking at me the whole way up. I stole a look at her finger...maybe she ended her engagement that's why she still lives here? (Evil, evil me) But no. Some excellent, exotic, perfect, religious, happy, happy engineer is possibly counting the days for their wedding day now!
Oh, Lord. The green-eyed monster!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

My Birthday Resolutions...

On my birthday I vow that I:

  • will look upon the face of God every day.

  • will not spend hours on end at the pc and forget that I have a life.

  • will live this life to the fullest!

  • will be kind, because everyone I meet is fighting a hard battle.

  • will keep finding out the purpose of my life, and carry it out.

  • will give more time to my family and friends...tell them that I love them.

Sounds simplistic, I know, but I'm really just a Child at Heart.

Friday, September 14, 2007

On trying different angles...

It was 5 pm…my day was only half over. I still had a long, tiring evening ahead. Mercifully, the sun was going down and the heat was lifted when I stood on the pavement waiting for the bus. I knew the pain was growing, I could feel it swelling up my knees and threatening to stay on for hours on end. But I just had to stand. Suddenly, I had an idea; I would sit right there on the ground until the bus came. It is an option you always have to think of while waiting for a bus in big old Cairo. For a while I thought what a silly thought it is considering the sooty ground and the oppressive culture that wouldn't let an innocent girl sit on the pavement without staring, laughing, or throwing a dirty comment…but I thought what the heck…people here stare ANYWAY.
So I, very coolly, picked up a piece of paper, spread it on the pavement, and sat down. Amateur and professional photographers have this concept of trying different angles when you shoot a picture. A humorous example is a picture taken of the Guiza Pyramids from behind the fore and hind legs of a donkey. The point is that different angles always give more ideas and invoke more feelings inside of you…The moment I sat on the ground, my whole perspective changed. It is not anything I can explain. I was first aware of a huge yellow ant beside me, and tried to ignore the fact that she was probably crawling up my spine now. Then I saw two crows perching on the ground and sharing some food. I must have been a hilarious sight because people in cars twisted their heads around to look at me …I don't know why! But being so close to the ground…very much shorter than the usual…feeling the same as some infant viewing the world from a limited height…was amazing.
Another time I was in a felucca (boat rented in the Nile for a short trip), and though I was enjoying the view, I suddenly jerked my head back so that the waters were above and the sky below me. Perfect.
The next time you are in the streets of Cairo, try different angles, like the top of a forty-storey building…sitting at the same level with the water or even riding back-to-back in a bus...
You will not be able to explain it to me either, but it will be unforgettable.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

أحدث ضحية تعذيب على يد الشرطة

مفيش غير سؤال واحد مش لاقية له اجابة
مش موضوع ازاى يعذبوا طفل و ازاى البنى ادمين رخصوا للدرجة دى...دى أسئلة خلاص مابقلهاش مكان و لا معنى ولا اجابة حتى
السؤال المخيف....والعمل؟
لا العياط حيرجع الولد ولا ضرب كف على كف و لا الغضب و لا الاكتئاب....و لا الخوف و الاحباط و باقى القايمة اللى عايشين فيها من ساعة ما فتحنا عينينا على دى دنيا
الولد يتقتل على ايدين ناس وكلناهم حمايتنا والحياة حاتمشى عادى؟
حانكمل أكل و شرب و فسح و خروج و الولد لسه دمه طرى...
نعمل ايه؟
ندعى ربنا ينتقم منهم؟
ونعم بالله...لكن احنا مفيش فى ايدينا حاجة كمان؟
الصور عند الوعى المصرى...ماقدرتش أشوفها
ولا حد يقدر يستحملها
حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل
نعمل ايه؟
نطلع عليهم فى الشارع نموتهم؟
حايطلعوا أبرياء بتوع عصيان و قفا بس
لكنهم و لا موجودين فى الشارع حتى
الجبن سيد الأخلاق فعلا
فى الشارع البلطجية يتسلوا علينا
فى الأقسام يعذبونا
حانعمل ايه...
اتفضحوا وماتلموش
اتحاكموا برضه مفيش فايدة
فى الأخر كل يوم بنسمع حكاية أسوأ من اللى قبلها

Monday, July 23, 2007

يا مستخدمى الدى اس ال اتحدوا

حأفوق شوية من التراب و الأحلام اللى انا فيها دى وأنضم لحملة الاحتجاج اللى المدونين و مستخدمى ال دى اس ال فى مصرعامة عاملينها بعد ما عرفوا ان جهاز تنظيم الاتصالات اللى بيتبعه كل شركات الانترنت سواء لينك دوت نت أو غيرها...ناويين يخفضوا سعر استخدام الانترنت لكن يقللوا عد الساعات المسموح لينا فيها ان انا نستخدم الانترت لستين ساعة بس فى الشهر! و أى ساعات زيادة حاتتحاسب عليها و كمان تقليل حجم أى حاجة عايز تحملها من الانترنت!!!
اشمعنى هما يعنى مايبيعوش و يشتروا فينا؟ بس احنا مش حانسكت. يا جماعة انتوا لاحظتوافى الفترة اللى فاتت كمية الاعتصامات و الاضرابات اللى العمال عاملينها عشان يطالبوا بحقوقهم و يرفعوا الظلم عنهم؟ و انها جابت نتيجة فى اغلب الأحيان (عشان اكون واقعية حاجيب مثال معين, لما استثنوا مدرسين الأزهر من كادر المعلمين ولو انى مش عارفة ده بتاع ايه بس هو اضراب واحد و الحكومة تراجعت و عرفت حدودها :) )
لو الاعتراض مش حايجيب نتيجة... لا يمكن يكون الصمت هو اللى حايفرق
ده نموذج رسالة الاحتجاج و تحتها الايميلات و ارقام تليفونات من يهمهم الأمر
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الي من يهمه الامر
اما وبعداولا وقبل كل شئ نشكر سيادة وزير الوزراء الدكتور الفاضل احمد نظيف و وزير الاتصالات الدكتور طارق كامل علي اهتمامها بالبنية التحتية المعلوماتية في مصر ومجهوداتهما الرائعة في سبيل تطويرها والعمل علي نموها وذلك املا في مصر متقدمة مسايرة لنهضة العالم المتحضر
تردد في الفترة القصيرة الماضية علي الساحة المعلوماتية في مصر انباء بخصوص تخفيض اسعار خدمة الانترنت وانتظرنا ذلك التخفيض بشغف وتطلعنا اليه وذلك لعلمنا بتوجيهات سيادة الرئيس محمد حسني مبارك حماه الله لنا برعاية شباب مصر والاهتمام بهم
الي ان فوجئنا جميعا بما اعلن من قبل وزارة الاتصالات في يوم 18 يوليو لسنة 2007 بتخفيض اسعار الانترنت الي اكثر من 50% مع تحديد عدد ساعات الربط او تخفيض الحد الاقصي للتحميل الي 2 جيجا
اننا مستخدمي شبكة الانترنت في مصر نعلن اعتراضنا علي هذا القرار ايا كان الدوافع المؤدية الي اطلاق هذه المبادرة
هل نسير بخطي الي الامام ام نرجع الي الخلف هل نتقدم ام نتاخر في اتخاذ قراراتناان هذا التخفيض المزعوم ماهو الا تخفيض في الاسم فقط ولكن في مدلولوه واذا نظرنا له بنظرة اخري سنجد انه تخفيض كاذب وهذه الاسباب
1- النسبة الاكبر من مستخدمي الانترنت في مصر مشتركين بسرعه 256 ك ب /ث2
- 2 جيجا فقط حدا مسموحا للتحميل من الانترنت فاجئنا جميعا انه لحد ضئيل جدا
3-هذا الحد المسموح به للتحميل انه ليجعل مستخدمي الانترنت في مصر الي مرتادي شات فقط ومرتادي تصفح مواقع ليس اكثر خوفا من تعدية الحد المسموح بيه ودفع مبالغ اكثر قد توصف بانها خيالية ( 8 جنيه للجيجا الزائدة حسب اتصالنا بمعظم مزودي الخدمة في مصر وابلاغهم لنا بسعر الجيجا الزائد عن المسموح بيه
4-هل تعلمون سيادتكم ان متوسط استخدام معظم شباب مصر لايقل عن (20-30 جيجا شهريا)5- هل تعلمون سيادتكم ان الانترنت في مصر ليس اداة شات ولا تصفح فقط وانما هو مقصد للتعليم ومقصد للترفيه ومقصد للمبرمجين ومصممي صفحات الوب وهذا مايحتاج الي حد اعلي من هذا
6- هل تعلمون ان هذا الحد المسموح بيه ( 2 جيجا ) احبطنا جميعا
نحن جميعا مقدرين لسبب هذه المبادرة وذلك لردع ال
internet connection sharing
ومن يستغلون الانترنت للكسب غير المشروع من خلال توصيل الشبكات الى
المنازل المجاورة عبر الشبكات السلكية واللا سلكيةولكن سيدي انتم هكذا لستم فقط ستردعون هؤلاء الفئة ولكنم ستردعون جميع المستخدمين امثالنا من هما متتضرين من تلك المبادرةبالعكس قرراكم هذا فيه مصلحة شخصية لمن يسموا بكبار موئسسي تلك الشبكات ال internet connection sharing
حيث انهم سيتجهون للانترنت بسرعه 2 ميجا وستزيد نسبة توزيعهم وشبكاتهمناسف للاطالة ولكن مانطلبه هو الابقاء علي unlimited internet packages
حفظا لحقوقنا بالتمتع بخدمات الانترنت ومسايرة العصر ومواكبة تطوراته و بالاضافة الي طرح تلك المبادرة وذلك توجها لتلك الفئة من هم من مستخدمي الشبكات المحظور انشاءها وهم بكل تاكيد سيجدون في تلك الباقة مايسرهم لانها افضل بكثير لهم من استخدام الشبكات هذه
بما لها من عيوب جمة نرجو سرعه التوضيح وتعديل القرار
الإيميلات الموجه إليها هذا الخطاب
أولا وسائل الإعلام :-جريدة الجمهورية
أخبار اليوم
جريدة الأهرام
مجلة لغة العصر
برنامج العاشرة مساءً:
عمرو أديب
أحمد رجب برنامج 90 دقيقة
ثانياً : المسئولون :-
وزارة الإتصالات
جهاز تنظيم الاتصالات
بريد اليكترونى:
السيد رئيس الوزراء الدكتور احمد نظيف لترفع الشكوي الي التقرير الذي يقدم له شهريا
شركة Tedata احد اكبر مزودي الخدمةارسل الرسالة عن طريق
شركة لينك دوت نت احد اكبر مزودي الخدمة
Call center : ( 16333 )
شركة سوفيكوم احد كبري الشركات المزودة للخدمةE-mail: center : ( 19256 )
و حأقولها تانى.....لو الاعتراض مش حايجيب نتيجة لا يمكن يكون الصمت هو اللى حايفرق
التفاصيل و نص الرسالة و العناوين الالكترونية من هنا :

Sunday, July 22, 2007

وليمة لأسماك البحر

أتحرك يمينا و يسارا فى فراشى و لا يعرف النوم الى جفناى طريقا
يتبادر الى ذهنى صورة جثث ضحايا العنف فى العراق المتكسدة فى نهر دجلة , أتصور قاع النهر شديد السواد ...والجثث تطفو ببطء و قد انتفخت جلودها....و الأسماك تنهش الجلد بنهم فتفصله عن الشحم و العظام
و أبكى...ليس ضعفا,أبكى لأن ما بيدى شيئا أفعله سوى البكاء
أهذه هى قيمة الانسان؟ أن يكون وليمة لأسماك البحر؟
اتمنى لو كنت الآن فى احدى دور العلاج النفسى, أقف أمام عشرات من المهمومين لا اعرفهم و لا يعرفوننى...فقط لكى أتكلم و أبوح بما اشعر به من كآبة...
أو ان أكون شيئا...جمادا لا يشعر بمآسى هذا العالم
سحقا...سحقا لهذا العالم

Thursday, July 19, 2007

عندما تهون أعراض النساء

امبارح اتصدمت لما قريت فى الأهرام ان موظف فى المعاش "اعتدى" على بنت عديلته كذا مرة و اتسبب فى حملها و فى الآخر كل اللى اخده تلات سنين!!!!!!!!
تلات سنين و فى تقرير تانى فى نفس الجرنان بيطالبوا بالابقاء على حكم الاعدام للمغتصب و عدم السماح لأى رأفة أو استثناء!!!!!
طب لما هو عقوبة الاغتصاب المفروض اعدام...ازاى المجرم ده ياخد تلات سنين بس؟ فهمونى طيب يا بتوع القانون ده راااجل كبير و شايب و قدراته العقلية سليمة و قارنوا الحامض النووى بتاعه بحامض الطفل لقيوه متطابق يعنى التهمة ليس لها مجال للشك ازاى ياخد تلات سنين عايزة افهم؟
أنا فاكرة من كام سنة حصلت جريمة اغتصاب مشهورة كانت ضحيتها معيدة فى الجامعة, و المتهم اخد اعدام...ايه طيب الاختلاف هنا؟ ولا هو القانون كمان فيه كوسة و خيار و فاقوس!
يعنى تخيلوا البنت دى دلوقتى (البنت دى غير هند اللى اتعرضت للاغتصاب و هى عندها حداشر سنة..بس التحقيقات لسة ماخلصتش فى قضيتها ) بس تخيلوا لو مغتصبها خرج بعد اتناشر شهر (لحسن السير و السلوك مثلا) حيبقى احساسها ايه؟ مش كفاية شرفها راح و حياتها اتدمرت وطفولتها اتوأدت قبل الأوان بأوان. كمان نارها ماتبردش و القصاص مايتمش!
تلات سنين!
هو عورها بموس و لا ضرب معاها بانجو...ده اغتصبها أيها القانون , اغتصبها. و مش عارفة ليه جريدة الأهرام بتجمل الجريمة و بتهدى النفوس وبتقول "اعتدى عليها" كأنه مثلا لطشها قلمين أو شد شعرها بدل ما تقول اللفظ الصريح "اغتصاب"
ساعتها افتكرت مشهد اغتصاب مديحة كامل فى سجن النساء على ايد سناء يونس فى فيلم (المزاج) ,بغض النظر عن اختلاف التفاصيل, و ان اللقطة اللى بعدها كانت مديحة فى حالة صدمة, و لكن طلع السبب ان النزيلات بيتعاطوا مخدرات جوه السجن و هو ده اللى صادمها!!! كأن الاغتصاب ده شىء عادى و ممكن يتنسى...كأنه مجرد موقف صعب و لو طبطبت على الضحية و قلت لها معلش...حاتنسى!!!
لكن انا مستغربة ليه؟
أعراض النساء بتهون علينا كل يوم بعد التانى و كل يوم اكتر من التانى, بتهون علينا لما تتعرض بنت من أسرتنا للاغتصاب و مانبلغش خوفا من الفضيحة, و نعزلها عن العالم , لما بنعتبر ان اى بنت ماشية فى الشارع حلال فيها التحرش و ان هى السبب , لما بنشوف البنات بينتهك أعراضها و نقف نتفرج كانه مشهد مثير, لما بنشوف بنت بتدافع عن نفسها ونقوللها " اسكتى بلاش فضايح, لما تستمر تحرشات وسط البلد لساعات طويلة على مرأى و مسمع من الشرطة من غير تدخل "
لما أعراض نساءنا احنا يا عرب تهون علينا فاضل ايه؟

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I can't get no sex education

We unmarried (and married?) Egyptian youth are wretched ugly ducklings. Under the pretence of religion and customs and traditions and 3eb ( unacceptable) and haram (religiously condemned) nobody gives us any piece of information, let alone right or wrong, on sexual intercourse. Nobody actually teaches us how to have sex...they're afraid we do it before marriage!
And who is supposed to teach us anyway? School and/or our parents. Right? Well...the only part on sexual education is taught in 3rd prep (when we're like 14) and frankly, the only thing I learned was that I have a reproductive system and that guys have penises. Oh and that we grow hair and our hips widen when we hit puberty. Part of the problem was that I was absent in one of the two or three classes it took to teach 'sexual intercourse and the reproductive system' and the teacher refused -rudely- to repeat what I didn't understand. And in the other class I fainted at the end of the classroom and no one noticed. LOL.
But as for the rest of the wasn't just bad luck. This lesson was like any other lesson we had to study at school-it was to be MEMORISED! Just memorise every single word and're done. You passed. You got you fair share of sex education. Congratulations!
Usually,or often, or rarely(I don't know, I began doubting that) Egyptian mothers have a once-in-a-lifetime conversation with their daughters before they get married (a week before the Dokhla? Dokhla is the night of the wedding) . They teach them what to do...what whom the Prohet's name is guarding and preserving aka her future husband would do...etc
Alas, even THAT doesn't always happen! "Al Naama wal Tawoos" or "The Ostrich and the Peacock", an Egyptian movie produced a few years ago, tackled the issue of 'sexual ignorance' openly. When the girl asks her mom about sex before she gets married, her mother is just too ashamed and tells her, "He knows". The thing is, it turned out later that he didn't know.
I realised the weight of the crisis just yesterday. My friends and I gathered in a cafe and we noticed that two of us, let's call them Mona and Sally, were whispering and somehow abandonned the rest of us. We kept teasing them coz we kinda guessed what they were talking about; Mona's getting married by winter and Sally in 11 days' time. Remember the 11 days' time. Ok?
I asked Sally if there was anything she wanted to know...and she answered..."I don't know anything". We were puzzled and asked her hadn't her mother talked with her yet? She hadn't. I just tried to comfort her and told her that sure her mother was intending to talk to her the next couple of days...and that maybe she's why not start the conversation with her..."Mummy I needed to know a few stuff" kind of lines. All the poor girl knew was licking and sucking-from her work mates.
To avoid disasters, I started explaining to them the four stages of the human sexual response cycle in a rather scientific way. Sally started to nod so I knew she read some book...but Mona kept her eyes wide open and her face was pale. Anything I said about orgasm, erection or the vagina was totally knew to her! I realised I've been speaking in English, so I translated some terms, but language wasn't the problem. It was the first time EVER Mona knew about sex. Those girls didn't know that we've got three holes, and I guess they still don't know which one is used for sex. A hideous thought ripped through my head: what if their husbands didn't know either? Talk about high divorce rates!
I kept thinking...didn't they even get curious some day and logged on to the internet, read some book or asked their mothers? I knew what their mothers would have told them anyway..."mesh wa2toh delwa2ty ya 7abebty...7ab2a a2ollek lamma teegy tetgawezy" "It's not time now dear...I will tell you when you get married" Hopefully before the Dokhla!
After some discussion,debates and laughs in which the rest of our group joined and listened to me intently...Sally dropped the bombshell.

"So what brings about the babies? My water or his?"

"His," I answered quickly, trying not to embarrass or laugh at her whereas in fact I was truly mad at them. Really, really mad at them. And at their mothers. And at mine (but I'm not getting married any time soon so I shouldn't worry now right?) At least I had my share of independent reading on the topic,but Mona and Sally aren't could they know?! I didn't lash out at them because I realised they are victims of negligence and ignorance.
I hereby declare from this blog that we Egyptian youth can't get no sex education whatsoever and we don't know what to do! The only sex we're getting anywhere in the air is some supposedly hot scenes and innuendos in Egyptian movies, 'medical' magazines and books with eye-catching titles and awfully-drawn pictures.

For God's sake, people, sex education is not innate. It is to be TAUGHT!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I loved You

May I in this eternal darkness of mine eventually find peace.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

عرسان الغفلة

بكره أشوف عرسان
مش عشان مبدأ جواز الصالونات نفسه, أهو طريقة تعارف زى ما اى اتنين بيتعرفوا, مش مفضالاها بس حانعمل ايه
عشان أهلى زى ما تقولوا كده ما بيصدقوا حد كويس (بمعنى انه من عيلة محترمة و معاه فلوس) يتقدم و يقعدوا يقنعونى بيه و دى فرصة ذهبية دى فرصة ماتتعوضش, انتى عايزة تفضلى مرزوعة (ايوة, قالوا مرزوعة) زى اختك الكبيرة لحد ما بقى عندها 27 سنة؟
أصرخ: يعنى هى المفروض توافق على حد مش مرتاحة له؟
يلفوا و يدوروا و مايجاوبوش على سؤالى
يا ترى لو كنت ولد كانوا حايضغطوا عليا كده؟ كل شوية يأكدوا لى أنهم مش جابرينى على حاجة لكن لما ماما تقول للناس انى موافقة أشوف عريس من غير ما تاخد رأيى مش ده يبقى إجبار؟
بجد شىء عجيب. بيحسسونى ان انا المفروض أبوس ايدى وش و ضهر ان حد عبرنى و ازاى و ازاى بقى أقول لأ !!! أبقى كده باتبطر على النعمة!!
ولوشفته و قلت مش موافقة لازم استجواب: ليه؟
مش مرتاحة
مش مرتاحة ليه هو شكله وحش؟
اخلاقه وحشة؟
فيه عيب ظاهر؟
أمال مش مرتاحة ليه؟
مش عارفة, مش مرتاحة و خلاص
انت حرة...خليكى قاعدة كده...بس ماترجعيش تندمى!!!!
أندم على ايه أنا مش فاهمة!!! هما شايفين ان انا المفروض أوافق على أى حد عيلته كويسة و شكله مقبول و امكانياته كويسة والحب بقى ييجى بعد الجواز!!!!
بس أنا يا عالم ماقدرش أعيش كده, ماقدرش أحط دبلة واحد فى ايدى غير لما أكون دايبة ف حبه و ف نفس الوقت مقتنعة بيه, لما اجى أفكر فيه بطريقة عقلانية يعنى
حاجة كمان باكرهها فى الجواز ده إن لازم يبقى فيه ارتباط رسمى فى فترة قصيرة, عشان ماينفعش يفضل داخل خارج من البيت من غير ما نكون مخطوبين كأن حد ماسك بندقية على راسك و بيقوللك : حب فى خلال تلات شهور قبل الخطوبة...و إلا!!!!!
انا نفسى اللى ارتبط بيه ابقى شفته فى موقف عادى بره موضوع الارتباط ده عشان مايبقاش لا أنا ولا هو مرسومين نفسى الموضوع يجى بالتدريج و اخد وقت براحتى نعرف بعض و أحب و أتحب و يعرف جنانى و غضبى و حنيتى...
المهم ان انا لسه ماكملتش اتنين و عشرين سنة, و اكيد كل ما أكبر كل ما ضغوط الجواز حاتزيد...أنا مش عارفة يعنى فى أسوأ الظروف لو ماتجوزتش ايه اللى حايحصل يعنى؟؟
حادخل النار؟
حايفصلونى من الشغل؟
حأعجز بدرى؟
و بعدين أنا مش من نوعية الناس اللى بتعرف تسيب انطباع أول كويس عند الناس...يعنى ممكن أوى لما أشوف حد يبقى الانطباع اللى حياخده مش هو الحقيقى, أنا باتصرف على طبيعتى و تلقائية و صريحة... ولو مشينا على كلام أهلى المفروض ان انا أقرر اذا كنت عايزة الشخص ده بعد قعدتين تلاتة, طب بالذمة ايها القارىء العزيز انت المفروض تعرف ايه عن شخص فى خلال تلات اربع ساعات؟
حاتعرف ايه عنه يخليك تاخد قرار انك توعده بالخطوبة اللى هى وعد الجواز؟
ممكن تكون انت او انتى عندكوا موهبة انك تقدر تعرف شخصية اللى قدامك بسهولة, طب الغلابة اللى زيى يعملوا ايه؟
الموضوع أبسط من البساطة, قسمة و نصيب ربنا كاتبهولى من قبل ما أتخلق لكن أهلى مصممين يعملوها خناقة و يقنعونى ان كل عريس
يتقدم لى فرصة ذهبية و مش حاتتكرر, و انى المفروض أمسك فيه بايديا و سنانى
عشان كده باقول ان طريقة عرسان الصالونات دى ماتنفعنيش... و نفسى أعمل ثورة فى البيت انى أرفض انى أشوف حد أصلا لكن اؤكد لكوا ان مفيش ثورة من غير ضحايا
ايه رأيكوا يا جدعان؟؟؟؟
"You don't marry someone you can live with. You marry the one you cannot live without."

Thursday, May 10, 2007

To Kill With Kindness

A short scene
(Curtain. It is a cold winter in an uptown Cairo district. The streets are buzzing with cars and flashes of light. Many people are moving about the famous restaurant. I am warming myself with a good laugh with my friends in a Picanto when a dark shadow that rises beside me startles me. A homeless child with an expression of innocence and extreme misery appears and starts to wipe the side window. I smile warmly at him and start looking for some change)

I: Have you got any change for this sweet kid?
Friend: Sure.
(Child is still wiping. I continue to look sweetly at him)
I: (Giving him a one-pound note) Thank you.
(Child takes the money and looks at me steadily, the same despairing look on his face)
I: (Shivering) Excuse me, honey. I'll close the window because I'm feeling really cold.
(Child smiles with an air of blame around him, then vanishes as I slowly close the window)
Curtain Falls

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


He said he was leaving...and her heart sank deep in her chest.
She blushed as she thought of grabbing his arm and telling him to stay just a little more so she can tell him...
What did she want to tell him?
Some moments are so overwhelming that any words uttered would be meaningless.
He moved towards the door in heavy steps, then he turned to look at her and only her, and repeated "Goodbye."
She was loking at him, motionless.
What did he want to tell her?
Maybe he wanted to grab her arm and take her away with him.
Maybe he wanted to read the lingering thoughts on her mind.
And he left...
She couldn't bear to see him suddenly slip away from her...she took a step forward, then back again, then suddenly leapt out of the room, anxious and grieved, saw him stepping down the stairs and fading away. She wanted to call out but her voice died in her throat.
If she had wanted to speak, why was she silent? Why are we always silent when the people we love need us so much!
I dared not tell you to stay...but as I stepped back into the room I knew the words escaping me were...
"every time you go take a piece of me with you."